

At the Table

Pastor Semmeal Thomas is the pastor of the City Covenant Church in Detroit Michigan. He has created a program that reaches out to his community and helps foster independence through commerce and business. 

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2022 Fall Pastor & Spouse Retreat

Oct 24-26, 2022

Speakers - Herb and Paula Frost:
Herb is serving as the Executive Minister of Develop Leaders and Ordered Ministry for the ECC while Paula is leaning into her love of practical theology by journeying alongside other ECC clergy through the ministries of spiritual direction and coaching.

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2022 Women’s Retreat: Mission Meadows

Sept 16-18, 2022
Re-ignite: Hope in the Lord – Renew our Strength

Speaker: Katie Castro
Katie Castro is a movement leader who is committed to the pursuit of redemptive co-creation with God. She is a serial entrepreneur who has founded multiple nonprofits and initiatives in the last decade ands who intends to spend the rest of her life building a flourishing world alongside her Creator.

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Women’s Retreats: Come Away with Me

A personal and contemplative 1-day retreat for women. We didn't want to let another year go by without providing an opportunity for women to gather together, seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus. Therefore the Women Ministries of the Great Lakes Conference is offering 1-day contemplative retreats at a variety of locations this fall. We hope that you can come to a quiet place to get some rest.

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Fall Pastors’ Retreat 2021

Nov 1-3, 2021

Speakers - Sharon and Jack Brown:
The Great Lakes Conference Ministerial Association is delighted to welcome Sharon and Jack Brown as our speakers for the 2021 Fall Pastors’ Retreat. The Browns are passionate about providing opportunities for followers of Jesus to unplug from a chaotic world and find the "good way" that leads to refreshment and renewal.

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Pastoral Updates – January

We celebrate with the following churches that have extended a call:
Chris Ratcliff to Detroit, MI
Erik Carlson to Manistee, MI
Peter Ek to Grand Rapids, MI

We are thankful to the following for their service to the Great Lakes Conference and pray God's blessing over them as they transition out of their roles:
Dave Brown from Columbiana, OH
John Gardner from Cheboygan, MI

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“Space to Breathe” Sessions

Pastor Jennifer Andersson takes us through a spiritual discipline exercise every Tuesday at 12:00pm on Zoom. Please consider joining us for “Space to Breathe” to help you focus on yourself and your relationship with God. Additionally, we have recorded Jennifer leading four Lectio Divina sessions for Advent and a Prayer...
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