The Branches

A few years ago, Christ Community Church was involved in the Experiencing God Bible study series. One of the participants in that study felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to get involved with Him in His work. She realized that due to the recent closure of the local laundromat, the community could really use a place for people to wash their clothes without having to drive a great distance. Plans were discussed with the church congregation and leaders, and it was decided that an already existing building on the grounds could be used.

Adapting the building took place during COVID and through countless hours and volunteers the building was adapted to house washers and dryers along with a shower facility. Through a partnership with LOVE INC (“INC” – In the Name of Christ), two industrial sized washers and dryers were donated.

The church has a food pantry called The Vine and felt the name of the new facility should be The Branches. The greatly appreciated laundry and shower facilities were dedicated on October 16, 2022. What an incredible example of how, if we are listening and paying attention, God can show us ways to get involved in His work