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GLC Annual Celebration 2024
Apr 19, 2024 - Apr 20, 2024
Faith Covenant Church
35415 W. 14 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Registration & Brochure:
Download the full 2024 Brochure, including Schedule, Workshops, Places to Stay, and More [pdf]
Places to Stay:
Please book your hotel through these links to get access to our special rates.
Background For Amendments [pdf]
Proposed Amendments to the GLC Constitution and Bylaws [pdf]
GLC Bylaws with Proposed Amendments [pdf]
GLC Constitution with Proposed Amendments [pdf]
Delelgate Documents 2023-2024 [pdf]
Annual Celebration Schedule 2024 [pdf]
Delegate Selection:
From the GLC Bylaws: Section 2.2. Delegates.
1. Member congregations shall be entitled to representation as follows: congregations up to 100 members, two delegates; congregations with 101 to 200 members, three delegates; congregations with 201 to 300 members, four delegates; congregations with 301 or more members, five delegates.
2. The Superintendent and members of the Executive Board shall be ex-officio delegates.
3. Each standing commission shall be entitled to one delegate.
4. Each association recognized by the GLC shall be entitled to one delegate.
5. Each affiliated corporation and institution shall be entitled to one delegate.
6. Each delegate to an Annual Meeting shall be a member of an ECC congregation. Delegates representing local congregations shall be members of the congregation they represent. No delegate may represent more than one entity, except a member in good standing of the Ministerial Association serving two or more congregations may represent those churches being served, yet with only one vote. A member in good standing of the Ministerial Association who is serving as an interim pastor in a member congregation may serve as a delegate from that congregation without being a member of that congregation.
7. The names of all delegates and alternate delegates shall be registered with the secretary prior to the Annual Meeting
8. A church plant within the GLC that is not yet a member congregation may send two advisors to the Annual Meeting.
9. A member in good standing of the Ministerial Association who is not a delegate may be an advisor to the Annual Meeting.
Please contact Jody Eidnes at [email protected], 248-595-8098.
Annual Meeting Letter:
The following letter has been mailed to all the churches and will be emailed to the Lead Pastors, Church Chairs, and church offices. This letter outlines important items our churches need to address in advance of the 2024 GLC Annual Meeting.
Dear Lead Pastor and Church Chair,
At our upcoming Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Conference (held during the GLC Annual Celebration, April 19-20, 2024), two important delegate interactions will take place that advance preparation would make more meaningful (and enjoyable).
Click Here to read the full letter.