Discerning Your Vitality Process

Our prayer and the goal for every church is heath and mission; pursuing Christ and His priorities in the world. This then allows the Church to become more fruitful and multiplying disciples of Christ and the Church. Certainly, church health and vitality are not programmatic; rather, together  they are a Spirit-mediated journey that is unique for every church. The ECC and the GLC, however, have developed a Vitality Pathway which provides proven tools to help our churches move in step with God’s Spirit. We also offer workshops, seminars, leadership retreat materials and facilitators as touchpoints to further maximize and maintain the vitality of your church. 

The following are questions that can aid your discernment of where and how to engage the Vitality Pathway or Vitality Touchpoints and the tools provided.


1. Culture of candor and a climate of trust?

Relational Covenant (healthy conflict and change management)?

Evaluation normal and natural?

Joyful teamwork?


2. Spiritual dependence?

Pervasive prayer?

Humble mutual leadership?

Sacrificial external focus (loving our neighbors)?


If you can answer the questions grouped under 1 and 2 with a confident yes, then proceed to question groups 3 and 4. If not, then you should strongly consider walking the Vitality Pathway, beginning with Veritas.


3. Identity alignment?

Recall of Vision, Mission, Values?

Living out Vision, Mission, Values?

Connection to biblical call?


4. Organizational leadership maturity?

Budget that reflects strategic priorities?

Ongoing systems of strategic thinking?

Biblical metrics that move beyond attendance and budget?

(Note: this last question on metrics, may also point you back to taking the PULSE survey. This requires “preparing the soil” by walking the Pathway. So, depending on your church’s prior vitality efforts, you may need to start at the beginning with Veritas.)


If you can answer the questions grouped under 3 and 4 with a confident yes, then you are likely already healthy and missional and could benefit from Vitality Touchpoints into any of the areas of focus you may need to maximize. Keep up the good work! If not, then you should strongly consider developing a Dream Again: Planning with God’s future for the Church in Mind workshop.  

Additional suggestions and workshops to assist your congregation are available.