

Fall TLC – East

Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019
9:30am - 3:45pm
Zion Covenant Church - Jamestown, New York

Please mark your calendars for the GLC Fall TLC (The Leadership Connection).

National Covenant Properties will do a full day of Financial and Real Estate Training. We will also have a ½ day Crescendo Workshop. We have several other workshops on topics including Personal Leadership Development, Children’s Ministry, Ministry for those with Disabilities, Spiritual Disciplines and more to come. You will receive a brochure and registration information in the next few weeks.

Click here for event details.

GLC Triennial Global Guests

The Great Lakes Conference hosted Di Keener and Amudha Barrigar as Global Guests to Triennial, a Covenant gathering for women by women that is held once every three years.  The conference is a time and place to connect with women from other nations, cultures, and traditions. Through Global Guests, women...
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What Should Vitality Look Like?

Perhaps recognizing vitality in your ministry context is easy.  Perhaps not.  Every church has an aspect of spiritual and organizational health, and developing those areas in order to maximize and maintain vitality – the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit’s movement – in your congregation can lead toward a more...
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Fall TLC East

Please mark your calendars for the GLC Fall TLC (The Leadership Connection) on Nov 16.
National Covenant Properties will do a full day of Financial and Real Estate Training.
We will also have a ½ day Crescendo Workshop. We would love to hear from YOU and your church about any other workshops you would like to have presented that day! Please contact Jody at the GLC office (734-451-4670, [email protected]) with any suggestions.

Click here for event details.

GLC Happenings at Gather ‘19 – ECC Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is the highest legislative body of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC), made up of representatives from Covenant churches throughout the United States and Canada. Delegates gather together for worship and fellowship, and to ordain ministers, consecrate missionaries, elect leaders, review finances, adopt a budget, and address the...
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Have You Planned Your Church Planting Sunday?

The GLC has the opportunity to plant 4 new churches in 2020. In order to accomplish this, the GLC needs to raise $75,000 for each one (total $300,000) by Dec 31, 2019. You can help by holding a “Church Planting Sunday” to raise money to birth our next 4 churches....
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The GLC Welcomes Peg Wolter

We are welcoming Peg Wolter as our new Finance Assistant for the GLC.  Kari Griebel, who was in that position previously, retired in April of 2019 to help care for her first grandchild.  From 2011 to 2019, Peg worked as part of the finance team at Covenant Community Care, a...
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New Name “Covenant Living of the Great Lakes”

Now in full use for Senior Living Organization It was last September when the now former Covenant Retirement Communities announced approval from its board of directors for the new corporate name, new community names and identities. Now, with all of the legal filings and documentations complete, beginning June 25, the...
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