Summer Fun Galore! We Want to Hear About It!

The Great Lakes Conference is buzzing with excitement to hear all about your church or camp’s
summer adventures! Did you host an amazing Vacation Bible School program? Organize a fun-
filled church picnic? Put on a spectacular summer concert? We want to know it all!
Our conference thrives on the unique and inspiring stories from our community. We can’t wait
for you to share the special events, activities, and memories that made your summer so
incredible. Whether it was a special outreach initiative, a youth retreat, or just a good old-
fashioned cookout, we’re eager to celebrate alongside you.

So don’t hold back – tell us about the laughter, the fellowship, the faith-filled moments that filled
your summer days. We’ll be delighted to spread the good news and inspire others across the
conference. Let’s come together to uplift and encourage one another through the amazing things
happening at our churches and camps. The more you share, the more we can celebrate this
wonderful season!

Send your stories and events to [email protected].