New Evangel Church Plant Launches in Detroit

Marvelous news! The newest GLC church plant, New Evangel, has recently launched in Detroit and is off to a wonderful start. Meeting weekly at the Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy, this vibrant congregation is growing with about 45 enthusiastic weekly attendees.

The church and the school have a unique partnership and is truly inspiring. The principal works closely with the church, helping them reach out to the student body and their families. The school has also graciously allowed the use of their equipment, facilitating the church’s activities.

Even more thrilling, the school is preparing to move to a new location, and New Evangel will follow suit, temporarily relocating to The Community Media Arts High School. This transition will pave the way for the current building to be torn down and replaced with a brand-new facility.

Led by the passionate Pastor Phil Carr, formerly the Assistant to the Church Planter for the GLC, New Evangel is guided by a strong leadership team of 14 dedicated individuals. This faithful group is committed to doing church the right way, seeking after God’s heart and serving their community.

Currently, the congregation is engaged in and diving deep into a Bible study focused on how to study the Scripture effectively, equipping themselves to be disciples that make disciples.

The energy and excitement surrounding New Evangel are palpable, and we can’t wait to see what incredible things God has in store for this thriving new church plant! Congratulations to the entire New Evangel community – may your journey be blessed with continued growth, impact, and the transformative power of the gospel.