Lego and God’s Word: a Powerful Combination
What is it about Lego that is so engaging? Put a few Legos in anyone’s hands and they will snap the bricks together. Give them a few more bricks and next thing you know they have built something. It is almost irresistible. It’s like the Lego calls to us and says, “Come on, you can do it, build something- create something.”
God’s word also has a lot to say about creation and building. The Bible tells us we have been wonderfully made and that we are to build our lives upon the foundation of Christ’s words. It also says that we are holy buildings – temples in which God’s Holy Spirit resides and together we are living stones that are being built into a dwelling place for our God.
The Great Lakes Conference office has created a VBS/after school/school holiday program that combines the awesome engaging power of Lego with the awesome life changing power of God’s Word. This program has been designed for children ages 5- 12 (older kids make great helpers). The children will assemble a large Lego City while exploring what God’s word has to say about creation (what God did and what we were created for), the foundations upon which our lives are built, and how we fit together (like Lego) with purpose and reason, and are being built together into the entity known as the Church.
The GLC Lego City may be reserved/checked out for a few days or several weeks. If your church is interested in using the Lego City, please contact the conference office (734-451- 4670; [email protected]). There may be a small fee to use the City and a deposit fee that will be returned to the church if the City is in good shape. If your church wishes to donate toward the Lego City, we could always use bricks. The Lego doesn’t need to be new, just whatever your folks have hanging about.