2 events found.
2019 GLC Annual Celebration
LifeChurch Canton, Canton, MI 7001 North Haggerty Road, Canton, MI2019 Highlights The GLC Annual Celebration was designed to incorporate the business of the Annual Meeting and a celebration of the ministry of all that God has done in and through the churches of the Great Lakes Conference during 2018. Please use this summary to share an official report to your congregation's board, council, or...
Gather 2019
Hilton Omaha 1001 Cass St., Omaha, NEThe Annual Meeting is the highest legislative session in the Evangelical Covenant Church. Every congregation is entitled to representation as we worship God and celebrate what God has done throughout the year. We gather to discern future direction, select leaders, consecrate missionaries, credential and ordain clergy and encourage one another to greater discipleship. We make...