Love Mercy, Do Justice
From our inception the Covenant has been concerned with helping hurting people (love mercy), and addressing the causes of that hurt (do justice). The mission of Love Mercy Do Justice (LMDJ) is to “Join God in making things right in our broken world.” Our goal is to resource and equip the local church in its call to love, serve, and work together with people at the margins toward holistic individual, family and community transformation…
Serve Globally
The Evangelical Covenant Church is committed to the whole mission of God – extending the whole gospel to the whole world. Through global partnerships and Covenant missionary personnel, we make and deepen disciples, start and strengthen churches, develop leaders, love mercy and do justice, and serve globally—that is, join the rest of the global church in engaging in God’s mission…
Covenant Kids Congo
As the Covenant Church we are moved by stories from DR Congo. Although there are stories of war, profound material need and lack of basic infrastructure we are compelled by a different kind of story: we are compelled by a story of hope for a bright future for the people of Gemena. We stand with our Congolese friends and leaders because they want to keep their children healthy, in school and with opportunities for their dreams to come true…