

You’re Subscribed!

As we all do our best to commune inside of this pandemic, we believe it is essential to stay connected virtually. To help you connect with others in The Great Lakes Conference, we have subscribed you to our E-News. This is a monthly newsletter that provides resources, updates, events and...
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Help Us Plant the Next GLC Covenant Church in 2021

Church planting has proven to be one of the most effective ways to reach people who do not yet know Jesus. New churches bring both hope and help to inner-city, metro urban, suburban, and rural communities, and the Great Lakes Conference is committed to planting churches where God leads us...
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Share our E-News!

Thanks for reading our monthly E-Newsletter! If there are others you think would benefit from the E-News, please forward it on. Spread the word! Our E-News is simply a tool we use to share “good news” stories about how God is moving in the hearts and lives of people throughout...
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Great is Thy Faithfulness: Welcome New Church Planters

In the midst of a global pandemic and much uncertainty surrounding the future of many churches, God is SO GOOD to continue calling people to plant! Please join us in welcoming our new church planter prospects: David Williams in Columbus, Ohio and Rick and Terri McGarry in Mason, Michigan. We can’t help but to praise God for his faithfulness and provision. For as the popular hymn states: Great is Thy Faithfulness.

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Fall 2020 Virtual Pastors Retreat: Whole and Reconciled

How does a pastor lead well, care well, and preach well in the most volatile cultural circumstances that our generation has experienced? Al Tizon will help us answer that question in our upcoming retreat as he shares wisdom gleaned during decades of ministry. His clear voice will offer pathways forward so that we and the people we serve may be “whole and reconciled” – to God and one another.

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Good News Report: Sanctuary Columbus Church, Columbus, OH

Seeking out these “Good News” stories from churches within the Great Lakes Conference has been such a bright light during this Coronavirus Pandemic, as they quietly remind us of the good fruit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. I cannot think of a time in...
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Subscribe to our E-News!

Did you know that we have a Great Lakes Conference E-Newsletter? Our E-News is simply a tool we use to share “good news” stories about how God is moving in the hearts and lives of people throughout the 75 churches in our region. It allows us to easily share updates...
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Good News Report: Messiah Church, Detroit, MI

We’ve all heard the popular phrase used to encourage positivity in the midst of less-than-ideal circumstances. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Messiah Church in Detroit, MI is doing just that by finding creative ways to get Scripture into people’s hands, heads and hearts amidst a global pandemic. A...
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New Splash Pad at CMMBC

Progress on the new splash pad at Covenant Mountain Mission Bible Camp (CMMBC) has come a long way this summer. All the plumbing and infrastructure is in place, and the water is running. They look forward to finishing the rubber coating on the deck before the end of September. Joe...
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