Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership in Turbulent Times
Feb 2 or 4, 1-3:30pm CST, Zoom
$35/church team
Please consider the following workshop: Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership in Turbulent Times with Ruth Haley Barton.
Pastors hear about soul care fairly regularly, but this may be a new (and timely) concept for your leadership. For more information and registration details, please Click Here.
$35/church team
Please consider the following workshop: Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership in Turbulent Times with Ruth Haley Barton.
Pastors hear about soul care fairly regularly, but this may be a new (and timely) concept for your leadership. For more information and registration details, please Click Here.
2020 Reflection and Thank You Newsletter from Grace Church in Louisville, KY
When reflecting on 2020, the word “unprecedented” easily comes to mind for one reason or another. No one was expecting the year to be what it was. For many, memories of the year are heavy laden with images of isolation, loss and grief. Even penning this newsletter has been a challenge because finding the good in 2020 has been like the proverbial needle in a haystack. The one constant, faithful, true and praiseworthy testimony is God’s sustaining grace.
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Advent Letter to Great Lakes Conference Churches
Dear Churches of the Great Lakes Conference,
Isaiah’s deep valleys, high mountains, rough ground and rugged places are images for me of the year we have endured. Heightened racial tensions, rampant COVID-19 spread, intense political polarization, rising unemployment, closed businesses, conflict over masks, overwhelmed medical care systems,
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Isaiah’s deep valleys, high mountains, rough ground and rugged places are images for me of the year we have endured. Heightened racial tensions, rampant COVID-19 spread, intense political polarization, rising unemployment, closed businesses, conflict over masks, overwhelmed medical care systems,
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Reminder to Elect Delegates for 2021
It’s time to think about electing delegates! As a reminder, each church elects delegates at their own Annual Meeting in January or February. Delegates should be chosen to attend the GLC 2021 Annual Celebration. As stated in the Great Lakes Conference Constitution and Bylaws: Section 2.2. Delegates. Member congregations shall... Read More
The GLC Staff – A Season of Gratitude
Amidst the waves of unanticipated challenges we have all experienced this year, there is much for which to be grateful. Below are just a handful of gratitude statements from the Great Lakes Conference staff. As we wrap up 2020, what are you grateful for? I am grateful to God for... Read More
Stories of HOPE
Harbert Community Church is delighted to share their partnership with Neighbor by Neighbor as a reason to shout for joy! Neighbor by Neighbor is a program serving people in Harbor Country by helping connect individuals with social services, resources and assistance. To learn more about Harbert Community Church and their... Read More
Being There For Those in Need, Even to the Ends of the Earth
Before Jesus was taken up into Heaven, He appeared to His friends many times over a period of forty days, speaking about the Kingdom of God. In Acts 1, we see that the apostles gathered around Jesus during a shared meal, asking if He will restore the kingdom to Israel.... Read More
Good News Report: Church Planting with Lighthouse Church, Richmond, KY
Church planting teaches two things more than any other; that God is faithful and that we must learn how to depend on that faithful God. I love this quote by Author, Podcaster and Bible Teacher Christine Hoover. She describes in one sentence the sentiment I hear over and over from... Read More
ECC Midwinter Conference Postponed to 2022
As a reminder, in response to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, the Evangelical Covenant Church has officially postponed its upcoming Midwinter Conference, originally scheduled to take place January 18-22, 2021, in Denver, to January 2022. In lieu of Midwinter, the Covenant and the Ministerium will host virtual events in February, the... Read More
Thank You!
Thank you to all who attended the 2020 Virtual Fall Pastors Retreat: Whole and Reconciled. We hope you experienced an encouraging time of both fellowship and rest.