The GLC has the opportunity to plant 4 new churches in 2020. In order to accomplish this, the GLC needs to raise $75,000 for each one (total $300,000) by Dec 31, 2019. You can help by holding a “Church Planting Sunday” to raise money to birth our next 4 churches.
Resources for Church Planting Sunday
GLC Church Planting Brochure Special Offering 4-8-19 [pdf]
GLC Church Planting Brochure Individual green and blue [pdf]
GLC Legacy Story
Prospective Church Planters
Kendra and Travis Chavis: Nashville, TN
Kendra and Travis are developing a core group and raising funds with hopes of planting Capacity Covenant Church in Nashville, TN. Travis believes ministry is more than what happens inside the walls of the church. While in the professional world, he realized that he was called to ministry in the workplace using his gifts and professional skills. He believes he is called to deliver the gospel through preaching and has been adhering to that call for many years. Kendra believes that she is called to be a Christ-centered servant who places the will of God and love of others above all else. She is called to walk through the changing seasons of life with people, pointing them to God and holding up well-studied scripture as a mirror. She is called to serve a diverse population of seekers and believers by equipping them with prayerfully interpreted, thoughtful teachings that reflect Truth. She is convinced that it is through this process of equipping that well-informed disciples are shaped and empowered to disciple others.
Phil Carr: Detroit, MI
Phil Carr is in a residency with Life Church Southfield hopes to plant a church in Detroit. He was born and raised in Detroit Michigan and graduated from Detroit Cody High School. He attended William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills, Michigan and Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois where he was a Biblical Studies major. Phil has had the great privilege of serving in ministry for the past thirty years with a variety of ministries, in a myriad of roles. Phil has been on the staff of multiple churches in Detroit, Philadelphia and New Jersey. He has done everything from being a youth pastor to senior pastor. Phil has developed a special passion and knack for creating ministry and Christian education curriculum. He has written hundreds of faith formation and leadership and family development based studies. Phil is married to Cynthia Carr and has six adult children and five grandchildren. His greatest ministry joy is helping God’s people to discover, develop and deliver God’s purpose and calling.
Georgia Hill: Detroit, MI
Rev. Dr. Georgia Hill is in the process of developing a core group and raising funds with the intention of planting a church in Detroit. Dr. Hill earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) from Harvard Radcliffe College in Cambridge Massachusetts, a Juris Doctor degree (J.D.) from Howard University Law School in Washington D.C., as well as a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) and Doctor of Ministry degree (D.Min.) from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. Dr. Hill had the pleasure of serving as a co-leader of a recent trip to Israel and just returned from leading a mission trip to Liberia. Dr. Hill currently serves as Associate Pastor of Plymouth United Church of Christ in Detroit. And on September 1, 2019, she will begin a six month residency at Life Church Southfield under the tutelage of Alan Tumpkin.
Justin Doyle: Akron, OH
Justin is currently finishing a Christian Union Fellowship at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and hopes to plant a church in West Akron, OH. Justin and his wife Jill both grew up in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Since getting married in 2005, they have lived in 5 different states, finished 2 masters’ degrees (Jill in Clinical Counseling at Ashland Theological Seminary and Justin an M. Div. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School), worked numerous jobs and, most importantly, have become parents to three amazing little boys – Graham, Hudson, and Brooks. Nearly 10 years ago Justin and Jill left Cuyahoga Falls with no intention of coming back to Ohio. However, on a trip back to visit family in Akron a couple summers ago, God began a work in their lives to lead them back. They feel that Akron needs Jesus and the burden of joining God in that work of giving witness to the hope of the gospel has been undeniably placed on their hearts.
Hopeful Future Planters
Vincent and April Tinch: Detroit, MI
Vincent and April Tinch seek to plant a church in Detroit which will exist to empower Gods people in every area of their life. Vince is presently a church planting resident on the staff of Life Church Southfield with hopes of planting a church in Detroit. Vincent is first and foremost a husband who has been dating his amazing wife April for more than 21 years. He is also a dad of four awesome daughters Victoria, Gabrielle, Katelyn and Elizabeth. As an entrepreneur, Vincent has been a part of a successful business sale (exit) by the age of 32. He is a visionary executive with 17+ years of experience in the financial, banking, real estate and food service sectors. Baptized at the age of 14, Vincent started preaching at the age of 21 and was subsequently ordained at the age of 31, after which he served as the assistant pastor of Greater Mt. Tabor Church.