- This event has passed.
GLC Annual Celebration 2020
May 1, 2020 - May 2, 2020
The Great Lakes Conference Annual Celebration has been moved to May 1 and May 2, 2020. All meetings will be digital/virtual.
The GLC Annual Celebration was designed to incorporate the business of the Annual Meeting and a celebration of the ministry of all that God has done in and through the churches of the Great Lakes Conference during 2019. We hope to connect with you virtually!
The Annual Celebration will encompass:
- The GLC Ministerial Association Meeting (May 1; 9:00am to noon EDT) and
- The GLC Annual Meeting (May 2; 9:00am to noon EDT).
- Both of these meetings will be digital/virtual meetings through a webinar program by Zoom.
If you have any questions, please contact Peg Wolter (248-921-8336; [email protected]) or Jody Eidnes (734-451-4670; [email protected]).
GLC Annual Celebration
GLC Annual Meeting:
Sat, May 2, 9:00am-12:00pm
CLICK HERE to register.
Delegates/minsters need to register themselves for these meetings.
After registration the delegate/minster will receive a receipt. About 2 weeks prior to the meetings each registrant will receive a link to one or both meetings (depending on their registration) plus instructions.
Practice Zoom Session – April 25
On April 25 at 11:00am (EDT), there will be a practice session for anyone who wishes to practice connecting and being part of the webinar. An email will go out to all registrants prior to the practice session with the link and instructions for the practice session.
Cost – FREE
There will be no cost to the churches for delegates to participate in the GLC Annual Meeting, as well as no cost for pastors to participate in the GLC Ministerial Association Meeting.
Instructions For Those Who Have Already Registered
If the delegates/ministers from your church have already registered, they will be receiving a call or an e-mail from us – if they provided such information when they registered. They will be advised of the change to the meeting, that they/the church will be receiving a refund (amount depends on what the delegate/minister originally paid), and that they should cancel any hotel reservation for the Columbus area for the April 24-25 original dates of the GLC Annual Celebration.
Church offices and ministers, if you registered the delegates/ministers from your church and you filled in the delegate/minister contact info with the church contact info, please be proactive in contacting the GLC with the correct way to contact your delegates/ministers (call Peg Wolter of the GLC office at 248-921-8336).
Delegate Selection
Who may send delegates (and how many) to the GLC Annual Meeting? Please see the excerpt below from the Bylaws of the GLC Constitution.
The Annual Meeting
Section 2.2. Delegates.
- Member congregations shall be entitled to representation as follows: congregations up to 100 members, two delegates; congregations with 101 to 200 members, three delegates; congregations with 201 to 300 members, four delegates; congregations with 301 or more members, fivedelegates.
- The Superintendent and members of the Executive Board shall be ex-officio delegates.
- Each standing commission shall be entitled to one delegate.
- Each association recognized by the GLC shall be entitled to one delegate.
- Each affiliated corporation and institution shall be entitled to one delegate.
- Each delegate to an Annual Meeting shall be a member of an ECC congregation. Delegates representing local congregations shall be members of the congregation they represent. No delegate may represent more than one entity, except a member in good standing of the Ministerial Association serving two or more congregations may represent those churches being served, yet with only one vote. A member in good standing of the Ministerial Association who is serving as an interim pastor in a member congregation may serve as a delegate from that congregation without being a member of that congregation.
- The names of all delegates and alternate delegates shall be registered with the secretary prior to the Annual Meeting
- A church plant within the GLC that is not yet a member congregation may send two advisors to the Annual Meeting.
- A member in good standing of the Ministerial Association who is not a delegate may be an advisor to the Annual Meeting.
- With the consent of the Executive Board, a congregation that cooperates with and supports the ECC but is not a member of the ECC for a reason approved by the Executive Board may send one advisor to the Annual Meeting.
- Honorary delegates may be recognized by the Annual Meeting. Honorary delegates shall be advisors to the Annual Meeting.
GLC Ministerium
GLC Ministerial Annual Meeting:
Fri, May 1, 9:00am-12:00pm
Ministerial Association Dues
CLICK HERE to pay Ministerial Association dues.
Delegate Documents
Annual Celebration Agenda 2020 [pdf]
Delegate Documents [pdf]
Annual Report [pdf]
Financial Report [pdf]
Church Planting Report [pdf]
Camping Report [pdf]
Ministry Awards Brochure [pdf]