1. What is the purpose of the church plant? What is the need?
The purpose of planting a new church is obedience to the Great Commission to “go and make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19) In most areas, 60-85% of the people are non-Christian. The goal of every “evangelical” church is to reach as many people as possible for Jesus Christ. This usually takes a variety of methods and a variety of churches.
2. What will be the relationship between the parent church and the church plant?
Just like parents support their children, a parent-church will provide support for it’s “daughter-church.” Also, the “daughter-church” will be bringing regular reports back about how its going. Often these are exciting stories of God’s work in changing lives.
3. What are the benefits to the parent church?
- more lost people will be won to Christ
- new leaders will emerge and be developed at the parent church and in the new church
- the Covenant presence in our area will grow as an influence for Christ
- more of God’s resources will be released to fulfill God’s priorities
- it causes all of us to exercise more faith – and without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)
4. Why should this be a new Evangelical Covenant Church?
- We need more New Churches: The average Protestant Church reaches 1 person a year for every 32 members. The average Covenant Church reaches 1 person a year for every 16 members. The average new Covenant Church reaches 1 person a year for every 6-8 members. New Churches win more people for Christ.
- We need more Biblical Churches: Covenant churches are based on the Bible as the Word of God as the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct.
- We need more Devotional Churches: Covenant churches connect hearts to God through Christ-honoring worship of many styles so all kinds of people and all generations can know God.
- We need more Connectional Churches: Covenant churches cooperate with each other and with other evangelical churches to impact the world for Christ.
- We need more Missional Churches: Covenant churches seek to reach people for Christ at home, across the street, and around the world.
5. Who is the new church trying to reach?
This varies. Some churches realize that to reach a particular ethnic group in their community, this would be best done through a new church. Some churches realize that a neighboring community is experiencing growth and that a new church there would best reach that community. Some churches feel that a new generation would benefit from a church that targeted their needs and founds ways to share the unchanging Good News in ways they understand. In each case, a congregation must pray and sense God’s leading to reach a new group for Christ.
In most areas of the country, 60-85% of the population is non-Christian. We believe God wants every existing church to be healthy and grow by reaching people for Christ. However, in order to reach everyone, new churches are needed.
6. How are Core Group Members recruited and how does this impact our church?
A. The Church Planter will cast the vision for the new church.
We are looking for people who want to be in “Gideon’s Band.” (Se e Judges 7) These will be people who connect with the vision and mission of the new church. They will be people who sense God’s call to be a part of the new church. Typically these people will have a heart for the lost, a pioneering spirit, and a willingness to work hard. We trust that God will bring this group together.
B. A Covenant Church typically sees 7% of its attendance go become a part of the new church.
The Covenant church asks parenting churches to consider giving a “tithe” of their attendance for the new church. Just like giving a “tithe” of money is Biblical and a source of God’s blessing to a family (see Malachi 3:8-12), so too those churches that are willing to give a tithe of their members for a new church are blessed by the Lord. On average, 7% of the attenders go to be a part of the new church. And, typically, the parent church sees their attendance and giving return to pre-plant numbers within 9-12 months. Often, the parent church seee even more than that. As the parent church gets caught up with God in a new mission, this results in new life and new people attracted to the church!
7. Where will the new church be located?
The Covenant, Conference, Parent Church and Core Group will decide together on the target area or target group. When the church starts meeting, it will likely rent a school or community center. We try not to get overly concerned about buying property or building in the early stages. We want God to determine the size and scope of the ministry, then let this determine the size and location of the church facilities.
8. What role does the Covenant and Conference play in the church plant?
In cooperation with the parent church, the Covenant and Conference provide:
- assessment of church planters so only godly, gifted planters are recommended. Church planting is a special calling and needs unique gifts.
- training, support, and on-going coaching for the church planter.
- helping develop “well-conceived projects.” Every successful church plant has a well-thought-out ministry plan, financial plan, core values, and mission.
- constitutional and organizational development.
- consultation regarding rented facilities and future property.
- financial support through “appropriations” and “churches planting churches” monies.
9. How does the financial plan impact the parent church?
Experience has shown that planting a new church does not negatively impact giving. Church planting tends to increase the commitment levels of those in both the parent and the new church.
Develop a plan to support the new church over 3-years in collaboration with the ECC and Conference. These “3-streams” of support equal $120,000 spread over 3-years with each stream contributing $40,000 each.
- In addition to financing, the parent church encourages people to leave to help start the new church, sends prayer support, and assists in other ways.
- Some of the most aggressive parent churches assign 10% or more of their church budget to domestic church planting. (Viral Churches, Ed Stetzer, 2010, p 149. Based on a comprehensive study of denominations and church planting activity in the US)
- The Covenant and Conference provide other resources including: assessment, training, on-going coaching, a computer and financial software, etc.
10. How does a church discern whether God wants them to plant a new church?
- with prayer and fasting
- study the book of Acts and listen for God’s voice
- ask “How is God at work in our city and how can we join Him in His work?”